When you own a restaurant, it’s important to keep your drains clean. They’re responsible for removing anything that comes from your kitchen, including oils, fats, and food scraps. When food particles build up in your drains, it can lead to blockages that can be costly and inconvenient for your customers. In the worst case scenario, a clogged restaurant drain can lead to sewage entering your kitchen and other parts of your restaurant. Fortunately, there are several ways for you to keep your drains clean. With the right tools and routine maintenance, you can prevent serious problems and keep your drains flowing smoothly for the benefit of your customers.

Why is it important to clean restaurant drains?

Restaurant drains are designed to remove harmful materials from your kitchen. When they’re not clean, they can accumulate bacteria and other harmful substances that can make you and your customers sick. In addition to this, they can also damage your property. Dirty drains can lead to pests and rodents entering your property. They can also make it harder for you to clean and maintain other areas of your restaurant. In addition to this, unclean drains can also affect your water bills. When food and other harmful substances build up in your drains, they can increase the amount of water that ends up in your sewer network. This is why it’s important to keep your drains clean. Doing this will prevent issues with food safety and increase the amount of water that gets back to your water treatment plant.

How to clean your restaurant drains

First, make sure that you have the right tools to clean your drains. You’ll need a broom, brush, and shovel to clean out any debris that may be blocking your drains. You can also use a plunger to unclog drains and a toilet auger to clean out sewer lines. Once you’ve removed any debris from your drains, you can flush them out with water. Finally, periodically check your drains to make sure that they’re still clean. If you find any debris, clean them out immediately.

How to prevent food build-up in your restaurant drains

Food scraps, cooking oil, and other harmful substances can build up in your drains. To prevent this from happening, you can place a trap in your drains that will catch any debris. There are many different types of traps you can use, depending on your needs. For example, a sink trap will work best for sinks, while a kitchen trap will work best for your kitchen drains. If you have a restaurant with a walk-in fridge, you can use a fridge trap to catch any food scraps that fall behind your fridge.Finally, you can also use a drain strainer to catch food scraps before they make it to your drains.

Bottom line

Cleaning your drains and preventing food build-up is an important part of maintaining your restaurant. You can keep your drains clean by using the right tools, regularly cleaning out any debris, and installing traps to catch food before it makes it to your drains.